Campers, Staff and Parents, Please remember that camp check-in doesn't start until Sunday, June 19th at 2:00 pm. Please do not arrive before 1:30 pm. If you have medications, please be sure to have it in the original medicine containers. If you still owe camp fees, bring a check (not cash) with you and we'll accept the payment during check-in. Please do not bring any cash to camp. We are a cashless camp so no cash will be exchanged. Please do not bring any high value items like iPods and other MP3 players to camp. The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program is not responsible for lost or stolen items. While we'll make every attempt to recovery lost or stolen items, we are not responsible if they are not found. We have made every attempt to accommodate each request for cabin assignments. However, many factors determine cabin assignments (i.e., age, gender, chaperones, adult to youth ratios) that accommodating each request is not always possible. If your request was not honored, upon check-in notify Kelly Dowlan. Only after the entire camp is checked-in, will the request be revisited. We will have many hours of organized activities for camp. We will have swimming, games, a movie night, a talent show, hiking and so much more. We will also feature four hours of science enrichment. Each activity will ask campers to use science processes and skills to solve a problem. At the conclusion of the activities, campers will be asked to discuss what they have learned, and how what they learned can be applied somewhere else. When your camper comes home, we encourage each family to ask their camper about what they learned. In addition, campers will be surveyed in two areas: teamwork and interest in exploration (what they learned during the week). This feedback will be used to continue to improve the camping experience for the campers. Also, we will send out a survey within a week to get family impressions of camp. Camp check-out will start at eleven and not before. We have to be sure each cabin is clean and there is no damage by campers. This takes time, so families; do not expect your camper to be released before eleven. All campers need to be picked-up by 12:00 p.m. We are charged a fee by the City of Los Angeles if we are not off of the camp property by 2:00 p.m. Please adhere to these times. The camp phone number for EMERGENCIES ONLY is: (909) 338-1374. This rings directly to the Nurse's office. Families, if your camper is sent home for behavioral or disciplinary issues, please come up to the Camp Seeley to pick-up your camper immediately. Do not disregard this and leave your camper for the remainder of the week. This situation will create an unnecessary challenge for us and become a distraction, so please pick-up your camper if the Head Director calls you and asks you to do so. Each of you read and acknowledged the 4-H Code of Conduct and agreed to it (which clearly states that disciplinary action could result in your camper being sent home). Failure to comply could result in suspension from 4-H and/or not being allowed to attend future 4-H events and Summer Camps. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Be sure to check the 4-H Summer Camp website at www.4hsummercamp.com for additional information and updates. We will be available to you to support and assist in whatever capacity and we want to ensure campers have a memorable 4-H Summer Camp experience. The physical address for Camp Seeley is: CAMP SEELEY 250 N. Highway 138 (P.O. Box 3372), Crestline, CA 92325 Thank you and welcome to 4-H Summer Camp!!! Sincerely, Keith Nathaniel Email: [email protected] Tel: 626.586.1970 |