Robert P. Amman Memorial Campership Offered by the ROBERT P. AMMAN MEMORIAL CAMPERSHIP FUND (Not affiliated with the 4-H Youth Program)
The Robert P. Amman Memorial Campership Fund was organized in 1986 after the untimely death of Robert Amman, an avid 4-H Summer Camp participant and Head Youth Director (1981). Since 1994, the Fund has awarded 1,364 partial and full camperships totaling $236,816. The Memorial Campership Fund is an IRS Section 501c(3) non-profit organization and tax-deductible contributions are encouraged.
Financial assistance is available to youth aged 8 to 19 on an individual, case by case basis. Assistance is based on fund availability. All information for financial assistance is kept confidential. Camperships are not guaranteed and may be awarded in any dollar amount up to the maximum of $150.00.
No cash or monies will be awarded directly to campership recipients. The Robert P. Amman Memorial Campership Fund will issue a check with a list of recipients directly to the Los Angeles County 4-H Council Treasurer.
Please contact us if you (or someone you know) would consider making a tax-deductible contribution to fund future camperships. In 2002, contributions from the Code Memorial Fund were merged into the RPA Memorial Campership Fund.
2024 camp financial assistance information will be available when registration opens in the spring